Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Grow Your Own Garden

We had a meeting with our midwife last night. Things are going very well. I am measuring right on target and Joseph's heart beat sounds wonderful. My blood sugar was pretty high so I'm going to have to take another test soon. I'm not too excited about that. I've never had a problem with it before so hopefully it was just a fluke.

Penny pressed on the issue of proper dieting last night. She showed us a great way to add some protein to our diet, which is a major staple during pregnancy. The key was, it was totally organic and very very cheap.

Growing your own bean sprouts.

I found this video on YouTube. It's exactly what they showed us last night. We used hose to cover the lid because our seeds were so small. You'll have fresh sprouts in just 3-4 days and the nutritional benefits are great.

It was great to be reminded of how easy it is to eat healthy with just a little work. I'm having a much harder time making sure I get all of my necessary servings each day with this pregnancy than I did with Samuel, for obvious reasons. I needed a boost to get me back on track.

There were two other couples there who are birthing with Penny the same month as I am and both women have had a cesarean as well. It was great to have that in common. There are so many other VBAC stories out there. It's quite encouraging to hear them all and learn from their experiences.


Anonymous said...

Well said.